zondag 11 maart 2012

61 days.

Good afternoon world!
Isn't it a wonderful day? The sun is shining quite bright (especially for this time of the year) and the sky is so lightblue... I don't even see any clouds!

It's about time I gave you another update on my work experience preparations!

I booked my flights (finally :P): I'll be flying to Edingburgh with my dad on Thursday May 10, after which we'll go straight to Dundee university. What we'll be doing after that is still undecided,  but the next day we are paying a visit to Stirling university.
During the weekend we're going on a roadtrip! We'll be driving from Scotland to London, where my dad will drop me off at Tom and Amanda's and then he'll propably fly home.
I'm flying back to Holland from London City on Monday May 28 (that's Pentecost, so I don't have to go to school that day = extra half a day in London!).

Also, I've got an update on Vera: the friend who already had a host family but no work experience placement in London, yet. Well, her host family failed in arranging that work experience, but last week she received an email from an acquaintance that he had been able to arrange a work experience for her at the London Marine Consultants (I have nó idea what kind of company that is, maybe I should Google it...)!
It is definite that Vera, Charissa and I are going to LONDON TOGETHER!
I'm soooooo excited!

Only 61 more days for me until I'm getting on a plane!

I guess that's it for now.

I'll keep you posted,

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